
Cell Saver and BBL Surgery

cell saver and bbl surgery

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The Benefits of Cell Saver in Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a popular procedure designed to create a curvy, aesthetically pleasing shape for the buttocks. As the popularity of BBL procedures continues to soar, so does the demand for safer and more effective ways to perform the procedure

Cell Saver, an innovative technology, has revolutionized BBL surgeries and made them much safer and more successful than ever. In this blog post, we shall explore in detail why Cell Saver is an excellent addition to the procedure (Cell Saver BBL) — from its ability to manage blood loss to ensuring patient safety before, during, and after surgery.

So, whether you have been considering getting a butt lift or already have one scheduled, read on as we explore everything you need to know about Cell Saver.

What is Cell Saver?

Cell saver is a groundbreaking medical technology that preserves the patient’s blood during surgery.

During BBL procedures, the Cell Saver surgical tool collects the patient’s lost blood during surgery, filters out any impurities or debris, then returns the cleaned and filtered blood into the patient’s body via an intravenous line. The process helps to reduce the risk of infection and improves overall outcomes by reducing post-operative risks associated with excessive blood loss.

Cell Saver technology, initially reserved for major surgeries where blood loss and risk of contracting infection was high, has now become commonplace in all types of surgery – mainly plastic surgery. Its importance cannot be overstated as it enables patients to experience faster recoveries than ever before.

Less Blood Loss, Better Outcomes: The Benefits of Cell Saver in BBL Surgery?

There are numerous benefits of Cell Saver for patients undergoing BBL surgery, which include:

  • Less blood loss during surgery eliminates the need for additional transfusions.
  • Improved healing times due to reduced risk of infection from foreign bodies entering the bloodstream.
  • Improved tissue oxygenation due to increased circulation from re-infused red cells leads to shortened healing time.
  • Cell saver reduces operative time by collecting and returning red cells quickly while simultaneously removing other debris from circulation.
  • Some patients may experience fewer side effects after their procedure as recycled blood is less harmful than donated blood. Donated blood can potentially cause sepsis in some cases.
  • It’s more inclusive since it accommodates those who adhere to religious beliefs such as Jehovah’s Witnesses instead of typical blood transfers without sacrificing safety or efficacy due to reduced risks of infections like HIV.
  • It reduces the risk of infections like HIV and Hepatitis B and C in transfusions compared to traditional methods.
  • Any unforeseen outcome like hemorrhage can be well managed with Cell Saver.

Who is a Candidate for Cell Saver?

The eligibility criteria for cell saver use include adults 18 years and older with a body mass index (BMI) less than 30 to avoid anesthetic complications and no history or indication of heart disease, stroke, or coagulopathy.

Additionally, someone may be considered a candidate for cell saver use if they have an anticipated higher blood loss due to anemia or other risk factors, possess rare blood group antibodies, or express refusal to receive allogeneic blood transfusion due to religious restrictions. Hemoglobin levels should remain above 11g/dl to properly collect red cells from the cell saver system.

Generally, any person undergoing BBL procedures may be a candidate for cell saver technology depending on their health history and needs as determined by their surgeon before surgery.

What are the Side Effects of Cell Saver?

The most common side effect associated with cell saver use is similar to what one might experience when receiving a regular blood transfusion; dizziness or fatigue shortly after infusion as well as nausea or vomiting if too much fluid was given at once.

Other potential side effects include allergic reactions due to improper cleaning techniques used or contamination due to improper techniques before or during the collection process leading to the introduction of foreign microorganisms into the circulation, causing systemic illness or localized infections around the infusion site(s).

These risks can be minimized through proper precautions taken by both doctor & patient prior/during/post-procedure.

Do You Want to Leverage on Cell Saver in Your Brazilian Butt Lift?

Cell saver technology has revolutionized the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure by minimizing risks associated with excessive blood loss. Recycling blood improves the quality of blood infused back into the body and overall outcomes for patients undergoing this type of cosmetic surgery.

While not every candidate will qualify for this treatment option, it can significantly reduce operative time and improve safety and success rates when utilized appropriately. Incorporating a cell saver procedure will be a wise decision.

Boutinic Aesthetics has a state-of-the-art clinic and a team of talented professional surgeons who will help you achieve a BBL safely and with flexible financing options. Please schedule a consultation today by calling us or visiting our website. Contact us and learn more about Boutinic Aesthetics and how we can help you get the results you’ve always wanted.

Picture of Dr. Ernesto Torres

Dr. Ernesto Torres

Medically reviewed by
Dr. Ernesto Torres specializes in aesthetic plastic surgery in Miami, FL


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