Breast Implant Revision Miami
- Updated on: April 27, 2023
Breast implant revision surgery helps you enjoy results that work for your body today. Our bodies change with time. Implants that suited you perfectly when they were put in several years ago may no longer work for your figure. Boutinic Aesthetics offers world-class breast implant revision surgery in Miami that helps patients to achieve an aesthetic that makes them feel comfortable and confident. There are many reasons why a person might seek implant revision surgery. However, it’s always necessary to get work done by a board-certified plastic surgeon experienced in implant revisions. Take a look at what you need to know if you’ve decided that it’s time to alter your implants.

What Is Breast Implant Revision Surgery?
Breast implant revision surgery is a procedure that replaces existing breast implants with new implants. This surgery offers an opportunity to improve the appearance of the breasts, alter the size of the breasts, and upgrade to a superior implant material. While revisions are often done alone, they can also be combined with breast lifts and reductions.
Reasons for Breast Augmentation Revision
Patients seek breast augmentation revisions for a variety of reasons. While most revisions are simply replacements that are done as old implants “phase out” of use, some are done to correct poor results from an initial breast implant surgery. Here’s a look at common reasons for seeking breast implant revisions:
- Changes to breast volume or elasticity caused by pregnancy, breastfeeding, or dramatic weight changes.
- Breast hardening or capsular contracture that has caused scar tissue to harden around the implants.
- Saline ruptures that cause an implant to deflate. While saline risks are relatively rare in newer implants, risks for ruptures increase slightly each year. A saline rupture is quite obvious because you will see the breast shrinking as the harmless saline is absorbed by the surrounding tissue.
- Silicone ruptures that reduce the size of the implant. Unlike saline ruptures, silicone ruptures are subtle. The telltale signs of a silicone implant rupture include uneven breasts, reduced breast size, swelling, burning, tingling, or numbness.
- Breast rippling and wrinkling that can be seen through the skin.
- Implants that shift in position. This is not necessarily a sign of an implant defect. As we age, gravity can cause an implant to sag right along with sagging breast tissue. “Bottoming out” is a condition that occurs when implants drop enough to alter the positioning of the nipples. There are several implant replacement techniques that can help to reset the breast back into position.
- A condition called symmastia occurs when the breast implant pockets merge together in the center of the chest.
- A change of mind. After living with implants for a while, you may decide that you’d like to either increase or decrease the size of your breasts. An explant surgery is performed when a patient chooses to remove implants entirely.
If you’re seeking a breast implant revision to correct a previous implant surgery, it’s important to know that it can take several months for breast implant results to settle. In general, patients are advised to wait six months before scheduling a revision surgery. However, waiting a full year is generally preferred. The skilled surgical team at Boutinic Aesthetics will be happy to schedule a consultation with you to help you determine the next step if you’re unhappy with the results of your breast augmentation.
Best Breast Implant Surgeons in Miami
Candidates for Breast Implant Revision
Anyone with existing breast implants is considered a good candidate for breast implant revision surgery. If you’d like to change the size of your breast implant, the only requirement is that you wait a year between surgeries before upgrading. You should also be in general good health. If you’re seeking a revision due to changes in breast tissue caused by weight gain or pregnancy, it’s advised that you achieve your ideal target weight for best results.
The Breast Implant Revision Procedure
Each breast implant revision is performed according to the needs of the patient. While some people assume that implant revisions are easier than initial breast implant surgeries, the opposite is actually true.
Secondary surgery of any kind is always more difficult due to the presence of scar tissue. In the case of breast implants, the stretching that the skin has experienced in order to accommodate the implant can complicate surgery. A breast lift that accompanies your removal may be recommended if there is extensive skin stretching.
Your surgeon will generally try to use the original implant incision when removing your implants. Once the implant and lining have been removed, the new implant can generally be placed immediately. The incision will then be closed.
Of course, a breast implant revision can do much more than simply “swap” implants. If you desire additional lifting and tightening, incisions can be made strategically all the way around the areola instead of using a standard incision around the areola’s upper portion. If you’d like to remove excessive skin, another incision can be made to follow the natural curvature of the breast crease. A nipple lift can also be performed during an implant revision.
During your consultation for a breast implant revision in Miami, you’ll have an opportunity to discuss implant placement, different implant materials, and other details with your surgeon.
Breast Implant Revision Recovery
Your implant revision recovery will be similar to your original recovery following your first surgery. If you’re opting for a lifting procedure to accompany your revision, recovery time may be slower due to the need for additional wound healing. Breast implant revision recovery is typically a two-week process. While most patients are able to return to work after one to two weeks, you’ll be advised to abstain from vigorous activities for around three weeks.
How Long Do Breast Implants Last?
There’s no set answer for how long your breast implants will last. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves most saline and silicone implants for 10 to 20 years. Most people who are satisfied with the look and feel of their implants can expect to go 10 years without needing to think about revisions. Most people with breast implants will have one to two replacements over a lifetime.
Breast Implant Revision Cost
While most people pay around 8,200 for breast implant revisions, costs can range from $6,000 to $15,000. The complexity of your revision will ultimately determine the final cost for your procedure. The best way to get a realistic figure for a breast implant revision cost in Miami is to book an appointment at Boutinic Aesthetics. At our plastic surgery office, we believe that nobody should have to live with unsatisfactory breast implants. That’s why we offer flexible financing options that allow you to put down just $250 before spacing the rest of your surgery payments out over 36 months.
Contact a Breast Revision Specialist in Miami
Patients who don’t feel confident or satisfied with their breast augmentation results need to know that there are options to improve or change those results. Whether you need a breast implant exchange procedure to boost your current results or breast implant removal because of capsular contracture, we can help you.
Don’t spend another day feeling self-conscious about your implants. Book your Boutinic Aesthetics consultation today!