
Liposculpture vs Liposuction

liposuction vs liposculpture

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For many people, Liposuction and Liposculpture are similar procedures, but each one has particularities that make it unique. In this article, we want to break down the differences between both cosmetic procedures.  

What is Liposculpture?

Like liposuction, liposculpture uses liposuction technology, albeit in a different way. Instead of simply eliminating unsightly fat deposits, your surgeon will remove the fat, cleanse it, and re-inject it into the body at the sites where you want to sculpt more desirable curves. Fat redistribution often occurs in the buttocks, so the patient might have an ampler posterior. The liposculpture procedure is suitable for everyone.

Liposculpture is most successful when the patient has elastic skin. For this reason, desirable candidates are typically youthful, normal-weight nonsmokers who have avoided significant UV damage. In addition, patients with darker skin tones usually exhibit better flexibility. Liposculpture might be the best option, even if your skin is damaged or sagging. If you want to be sure, consult a plastic surgeon who has passed their board exams.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction, or “lipo,” is a frequent Plastic Surgery for removing persistent fat deposits from body areas, including the face and neck, the upper arms, the belly and back, the flanks, the hips, the buttocks, and the thighs, and lower legs. Advances in liposuction procedures have made it possible to reduce fat and improve a person’s physical shape and proportions.

Liposuction is performed under either local or general anesthesia, depending on the amount of fat removed and the number of treatment locations. Liposuction is effective at removing localized pockets of fat from the body, but it should not be mistaken for a means of reducing overall body fat. Liposuction works best on those who are not overweight and already at or very close to their ideal weight.

Difference Between Liposculpture and Liposuction

Liposuction and liposculpture are similar in reducing excess fat, tightening skin, and sculpting the body. Still, the two differ because liposuction uses larger incisions, while liposculpture uses smaller ones and can target specific cells.

Candidates of Liposculpture vs. Liposuction


Liposculpture is only performed after a thorough medical evaluation by a board-certified plastic surgeon. Individuals applying must be at least 18 years old, in excellent health, and within 25 pounds of their target weight. Also, they should have stubborn fat deposits that won’t go away with a healthy diet and regular exercise.


The following people are typically suitable candidates for liposuction:

• Adults whose body fat percentages are within 30% of their optimum
• People who aren’t sick with anything that could kill them or something that would prevent them from healing
• Nonsmokers
• People that are optimistic and know what they want out of their body-sculpting efforts

Liposuction is the solution for you if you have stubborn fat deposits anywhere on your body that you can’t shift with diet and exercise.


A local anesthetic is used during liposculpture to reduce the risk of bleeding and swelling. However, liposculpture can often rearrange more significant amounts of fat than liposuction. Body shaping is a typical application of liposculpture, and the procedure’s precision makes it ideal for this purpose.

The majority of liposuction patients have significant quantities of fat to remove. In most cases, liposculpture is not employed to achieve dramatic weight loss.


Both surgeries have different recovery times. The length of time it takes to heal depends on the patient’s current state of health and the amount of fat he cuts out.

As a rule, you’ll need to take it easy 48 hours after getting liposculpture done. If your doctor gives you the go-light, you should be back at work in 2-4 days. Exercise and other intense activities are often prohibited for one week to ten days after surgery. However, this will vary from patient to patient.

The time it takes to recover after liposuction is similar to other cosmetic procedures. You’ll need to wait between 7 and 10 days before returning to the office. Depending on the severity of your condition, your doctor may also advise waiting 4–6 weeks before engaging in strenuous physical activity again. It takes around three months for the swelling to go down for the effects to become evident after surgery.

Liposculpture cost vs. Liposuction cost

Many factors contribute to the wide range in price for these two treatments. These are some of the items on the list.

• Institution for Medical Care
• Expenses incurred while visiting a physician
• Where the process will take place in terms of state, county, and city
• Price of anesthesia

The final price of liposuction will vary from patient to patient but is often between $2,500 and $15,000. Liposuction is typically less expensive. It is because liposculpture requires very little in the way of an actual surgical incision. Depending on the problem areas you want to fix, the price of liposculpture might be anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000.


You can remove excess fat from the body through a cosmetic treatment known as liposuction. Lipo is typically performed on the buttocks, thighs, upper arms, abdomen, and lower legs. It is a successful operation carried out while the patient is unconscious.

However, liposculpture is a more sophisticated procedure for the face, neck, and chin. It has the same intent as liposuction: to rid the body of excess fatty tissue. In this case, however, a single laser fiber is used instead of a syringe or suction pump. Instead, then sucking the fat out, it melts away. The technique also reduces skin laxity, a potential aftereffect of conventional liposuction.

Which Procedure is Right for You?

There is no clear superiority of one method over the other. The results of liposuction and those of liposculpture are similar and helpful. There is a similarity in the dangers they pose to the patient. You and your doctor should discuss your circumstances to determine which procedure will most likely yield the desired results. Here are some details regarding the policies and how they vary.

  • A local anesthetic is used during liposculpture to reduce the risk of excessive bleeding and swelling. General anesthesia, which is typically used during liposuction, is not without its hazards.
  • Liposuction is a fantastic choice for the hips and stomach since it can remove more fat once than liposculpture. Liposculpture, however, can be used to sculpt more substantial amounts of fat.
  • The outcomes of liposculpture are very accurate. Liposuction is the most effective method for people who wish to lose weight.

Considering Liposculpture in Miami?

Liposuction and liposculpture have advantages, so it’s up to the patient to decide which is best for them. Liposculpture is the best fat-loss method for those wishing to see visible results in sculpted, defined areas. Here at Boutinic Aesthetics, we can assist you in achieving your desired results with liposculpture in Miami. Contact us today.

Picture of Dr. Ernesto Torres

Dr. Ernesto Torres

Medically reviewed by
Dr. Ernesto Torres specializes in aesthetic plastic surgery in Miami, FL


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